How to Beat the Holiday Fluff and Change the World, too!

Oh, you overindulged yesterday? Or the last couple days? or ALL OF LAST WEEK?

Yeah…. me, too.

I don’t feel bad about it at all, and you shouldn’t either!

The Holiday Season is kind of a strange time of year, isn’t it? And by strange, I totally mean that it’s a weird mix of internal battles, hyped up expectations that it might be as magical as it was when you believed in Santa, overindulgence followed by guilt, and over commitment that runs you ragged. Yet, I FRIKKIN LOVE IT! For all these reasons, the Holiday Season is a great time to let it all go and pack on the pounds. But what if you could enjoy all the craziness and the yummies and come out the other side without feeling like a total fat toad? You can!! The Holidays are a time full of celebration and fun. We eat and drink more than we should, for better or worse. Rather than deny yourself all of the fun, let me help you know how to keep the wheels from totally falling off.

If you woke up today feeling the fluff already, keep reading!

Get Yer Arse Out Of Bed. Take a Shower. Get Dressed.

I know, I know. You have a headache, maybe a raw tummy, too. Get up. The longer you lay in bed and fester, the longer it’s going to take to turn the train around. What you need right now is momentum… and momentum is nowhere to be found in that warm, cozy bed in your dark, cool bedroom. Go boil some water, squeeze a whole lemon into a coffee mug, and drop the halves in too. Cover it with the hot water and start sipping. Trust me, it’s your best bet. Now shower, shave, and put on real clothes, preferably of the workout variety. Yes, even if you don’t feel like it.

Go Outside and MOVE.

Lace up your shoes and head outside. Movement and sunshine are just what the doctor ordered. You can head to the gym, if that’s more your style, but you could probably use the sun on your pale face and remember that a super long cardio session isn’t going to fix anything. It’s just going to make you crave carbs. Which brings me to the next tip…

Pack in the Protein… and Fat.

I am confident you got enough carbs yesterday to fuel your glucose needs for a year. The fastest way to get back on track is to ditch the excess carbohydrates, at least for a day or two. Focus on proteins and fats and mix in some green veggies. Most of the fluff you feel is not actually real fatness. It’s bloat. A couple of lower carb days can get that back under control before it does decide to stay!

Tackle the Kitchen and Leftovers.

If you have leftovers from Thanksgiving or some other Holiday Celebration, stop torturing yourself. Just go ahead and toss them. Yes, it is very wasteful and I strongly encourage you to make a hefty donation to a good local charity as salve for your guilty conscience. But seriously, throw it away. Don’t pretend you have to keep it for the kids or that you are going to put it in the breakroom at work. That is just the lie you tell yourself knowing full well you will be the one eating it. Besides, your kids and friends don’t need any more either. Consider it a gift of goodwill that you saved them from themselves, too.

Next Time…

You know there will be a next time. I know it, too. Hell, at this time of year, it might even be in the next few days. I know you are much too cool to be the loser pretending that those are the most flavorful carrot sticks you ever did eat. I know you have more sense than to try to convince yourself that some magical shake drink is going to “fill you up” so much that you won’t just cave at the party and pile hors d’oeuvres on top. I know that you are going to fill this season with all the things that make the Holiday Season awesome. So how can you arm yourself?

You kind of can’t. You and me…. we are so very, very fortunate to live in a time and place where life is easy enough that we can enjoy leisure and prosperous enough that we can enjoy food. Your best defense in the whole thing is to be incredibly aware of your great fortune and intensely compassionate to those who aren’t so lucky. Give your money. But more importantly, give your time this season. Carve out a day to serve in a soup kitchen, deliver meals to the homebound, supply Christmas to a family, or make a dream come true for someone in a hospital. Go see it with your own eyes. Etch images in your brain of those people who won’t know indulgence or opulence this Holiday season. It’s the best gift you can give yourself, your family, and the world. Happy Holidays, Friends. I am intensely grateful I feel like a big toad today. Intensely.