Joint Wash


“It feels sooo good to just move, to do something. I haven’t done ANYTHING in weeks.”

This comment is repeated over and over by people who walk through the doors at Haka Fitness. It started with an injury and I thought the solution was “to rest.” But what is rest? I’m going to argue that there are very few instances where NOT moving is the solution. Movement is Medicine. Moving, albeit properly, is the solution. Casting your body in a position of no movement just perpetuates the problem and creates more.

We can all picture the arm or leg that has been in a cast- weak, pale. It doesn’t even look healthy! That is what is happening when you stop moving. Movement keeps everything alive. Stagnation is literally death. That brings me to my new favorite thing: The JOINT WASH. I try to do some sort of mobility work every single day. I get it, though, that not everyone has the same level of comfort with movement that I do. When my friend, Kellen Milad from Movement Parallels Life , introduced this simplified version to me, I was all about it.


Foam Rolling

Foam Rolling is an awesome way to keep your muscles supple without ever leaving your house! Gentle myofascial release, like foam rolling, will keep your body feeling good so that you can tackle the more important things in life.

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